We have to unearth a mother lode of Trump treasure
So why doesn’t the media keep up the pressure?
Americans need to learn more about his finances
Like did this billionaire pay his fair share of taxes?
An IRS audit is a charade behind which Trump hides
He fears that releasing his returns will turn the tide
Why even Trump’s base might be upset to find out
That his wealth, taxes, charity, etc. are all a washout!
Then there is this entire “Putin-y on the Bounty” facet?
Russians holding an uneven cross-section of Trump assets
Why penalize China for decade-old currency manipulation?
It’s not really a problem, more like a Trump exaggeration!
So if he hangs on to his returns with his usual string of lies
Losing an election won’t really hurt the Trump enterprise
But if he ascends to the Oval Office without coming clean
We might as well just let him paint the White House green!
Now if he offered full disclosure but lost the presidency
Then the Trump brand will surely lose some currency
But if releasing returns is followed by a victory at the
God save this nation, as President Trump will be on a roll!
We simply cannot afford to chance it with this great nation
Informed voters can wittingly preempt a Trump administration
By putting country before party, even the Gipper would agree
Be like Bush 41; vote for Hillary Clinton and also save the GOP!