Monday, August 22, 2016

Let Trump Be Trump!

After a six-year hiatus Donald J. Trump has "pulled me back in" into political blogging.  It's not that I don't write any more, but I have been focused more on my day job, where I blog as well.  Nonetheless, over the past 15 months, Trump has provided all sorts of opportunities for us political hacks to chime in.  Thus far, I have resisted, but can't hold out any longer.  So let me jump back in with an ode to Trump that I have titled, "Let Trump Be Trump," which pretty much encapsulates what this means to me.


They’re saying to get over the hump
We must let Trump be Trump
So they added new campaign staff
To control the man’s routine gaffes
But will this make his poll numbers jump?

Kellyanne Conway is a master of spin
Bannon always goes for the chin
Manafort’s style just did not work
As Trump continued to be a jerk
But can this new team make him win?

After they repackaged Trump as Trump
He expressed his first regret on the stump
But without any specific sort of apology
It sounded like the same old tautology
Hillary’s the devil that we need to dump!

Americans are tired of his constant smears
Inciting the worst in us and stoking our fears
What happened to the shining city on a hill?
That Reagan made us aspire to, if you will
Not this apocalypse that Trump says nears!

After all trust is what each one of us earns
Trump must begin by releasing his tax returns
And he must absolutely stop with the name-calling
It’s simply childish, un-presidential and galling
Dignity and decency is what the nation yearns!

So from now until November the eighth 
Pray tell us why America is not already great
We need to hear details in the Trump plan
Debate your differences woman-to-man
And convince the skeptics that it is not too late!

Else Madam President it is going to be
With a likely Democratic Senate majority
She will shape the courts for a generation
In many ways that will transform our nation
And Trump will be Trump—destroyer of the GOP!